12th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies
16 – 18 July 2019, Porto, Portugal

The Game and Entertainment Technologies conference aims to bring together research and practice from creative, social and business practitioners and researchers in this challenging field. The focus of this conference is on design, development and evaluation of games, entertainment technologies and the nature of play.

NEW Final Program

NEW Campus ISEP Map

NEW Social Event  – 17th July

NEW Keynote Speaker (confirmed):
Prof. Paula Escudeiro, Institute of Engineering of Porto, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal

All the previous conference proceedings are available in the   banner_bd

The conference proceedings will be submitted (pending approval) to the following indexing services (among others):

IETInspec Elsevier  ScopusEI thomson ebsco logo_27

Co-Organized by

NEW Selected authors of best papers will be invited to submit for review extended versions for potential publication in selected journals including journals from


NEW The best papers will be selected for publishing as extended versions in the
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet (ISSN: 1645-7641).


Conference Official Language: English.

This is a blind peer-reviewed conference.

Conference Poster in PDF